Republic Trends is a factory direct wholesaler focused on high-fashion ladies shoes,
men shoes and children shoes of all styles, formal and casual. Because of our high quality
standards, multiple products and the latest designs along with fast and meticulous service
and distribution channels we are recognized by a huge number of customers that is built
on trust and cooperation with rapid speed and the highest efficiency.
Our company is combined with design assistance, development, production and sales
for all kinds of women fashion shoes, boots and casual shoes along with men footwear of
all kinds and children shoes for many leading brands. We also have many cooperating
factories located in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huidong, Wenzhou, and all over
China to give you the best quality and service. Our annual production is over 5 million
pairs. Our products are exported worldwide on every continent.
We also participate in International and domestic trade fairs like GDS, GARDA, Las
Vegas, and the Canton Fair. We conduct extensive communication with our customers to
keep up with the latest trends. We bring you excellent design, development, and
production capacity with sales and service at the highest level. We are customer’s favorite
and most reliable enterprise and partner.
men shoes and children shoes of all styles, formal and casual. Because of our high quality
standards, multiple products and the latest designs along with fast and meticulous service
and distribution channels we are recognized by a huge number of customers that is built
on trust and cooperation with rapid speed and the highest efficiency.
Our company is combined with design assistance, development, production and sales
for all kinds of women fashion shoes, boots and casual shoes along with men footwear of
all kinds and children shoes for many leading brands. We also have many cooperating
factories located in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huidong, Wenzhou, and all over
China to give you the best quality and service. Our annual production is over 5 million
pairs. Our products are exported worldwide on every continent.
We also participate in International and domestic trade fairs like GDS, GARDA, Las
Vegas, and the Canton Fair. We conduct extensive communication with our customers to
keep up with the latest trends. We bring you excellent design, development, and
production capacity with sales and service at the highest level. We are customer’s favorite
and most reliable enterprise and partner.